
random facts, yes there will be a quiz...


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Who me?

Graduated from college and now gainfully employed as a dirt squeezer! Success!! Go me! That Foreign Language Major is really paying off, let me tell you! I'm celebrating my 24th birthday in the Year of the Cock! Go team.


History of story development (this is probably boring, so you can go if you like)

  This is the first picture I ever drew of Johnny. It was somewhere in the spring of 11th grade, so probably c. 1999. I'd been watching a lot of anime, if ye can't tell. My friend lent me Sailor Moon and Neon Genesis Evangelion, among other things. I had an idea of a guy waking up in the hospital, all bandaged up, with an angel to guide him into some kind of supernatural adventure...

  To tell the truth, I don't think the story deviated all that much from the original. No bandages though. Originally I was going to name the main character something really cool like...I dunno...Ragnan or Harlan or something...cool? Don't ask me. I don't remember any of the names I was toying with. While I was developing the story, I needed to call him something so I called him "Johnny-somebody," "Johnny-on-the-spot," "Johnny-come-lately," and other variations. After a while, I couldn't change the name; it just stuck.

  I grew up Lutheran, so I have a pretty religious background. (On a side note, may I say it's ironic, then, that my best friend's a Wicca and my girlfriend's an agnostic. It's a wonderful life). Anyway, a lot of this story was developed during sermons to keep myself occupied. One day, Pastor Markquart had had a dream of a woman asking him why her son couldn't get into Heaven, and he said "There is nothing you can do that will keep you out of Heaven." I thought that sounded interesting. I mean, what if the person was a murderer? What if they'd killed someone? How could that be forgiven? I thought that was an interesting conundrum for Johnny's character. Maybe forgiveness is granted by God, but you get hung up by your own religious beliefs and can't forgive yourself. *shrug* So that's going to be a big theme in the story.

  Sad to say, "It's a Wonderful Life" and "A Christmas Carol" were also big influences in the workings of the story. I definitely wanted a system of achieving rank in the celestial halls. Thus, Angus is on the bottom rung of the angelic hierarchy. Johnny is his first assignment. Angus is chosen because God has a sense of humor paralleling none. And Johnny's going to need all the positive energy he can get.

  Heh. This is the first picture I ever drew of Angus. I don't know when it was drawn. I think it might have actually been before the Johnny picture. These characters were completely unrelated to each other, in the beginning. I was quite fond at the time of what I call "Whippet boys" (adorable skinny guys who shiver in 90 degree weather and always look lost or confused...I had a long explanation, but they were basically exactly like Whippet hounds). Anyway, so Angus was going to be a whippet boy, always kicked and hounded and cute. I tried to keep the cuteness.

  I was watching a really bad production of some church play, and all the angels wore white T-shirts, fairy wings, and halos made out of silver Christmas garland. I couldn't resist

that costume idea. Some poor low rank angel, hasn't even gotten his wings, putting together some pathetic costume to make himself feel better. Yes, I'm cruel, but I thought it was funny. And I still do. I forgot what INF meant though. So don't ask what that means in his name. I seriously do not know.

  Well as Johnny's character got more morose, I decided I liked the idea of Angus bugging him all the time to have fun. So I stuck them together.

  That's about all I can think of to say. If you have any questions you'd like me to answer, let me know and I will. Maybe someday I'll change this to a FAQ section. That'd probably be more interesting and have less text to have to read. So...write in with those questions! Er, email me or something.